And not just our conscious agreements. Every soul has a certain amount of "inertia" or even "antagonism". Inertia and at its worst antagonism is caused by the weight of all the past agreements, contracts, and vows we've made, as well as our past actions in alignment with those agreements.
We care about our well-being, the well-being of others, and the planet. And we want to THRIVE in the process of showing up for our Lives, Missions and Callings. So the INTENT and the ACTION are often good. But RESULTS MAY VARY. Why? Because there is a "bug" in the software so to speak. The "CODE" in our Souls is repeating outdated data that repeats old contracts to evolve through strife, struggle, stark contrast, and suffering.
Why would we ever have chosen to do this?
So as individuals, and as a collective, we have made agreements to do things "the hard way" - and most of us still are on this planet. The trouble is that evolving fast through suffering causes a HUGE AMOUNT OF DAMAGE. Damage that we are seeing personally, interpersonally, societally and globally as we careen towards the cliff of our potential demise, whether it be via climate change, active conflict, the sixth mass extinction, or societal disintegration.
You have come to envision, create, actualize, and LIVE IN the ANTIDOTE to all of this. BUT YOU CANNOT SUFFER YOUR WAY TO IT. In order to BUILD a new paradigm, our Souls must first fully INHABIT this new paradigm. One of MERCY, one of GRACE, one of LEARNING through LOVE AND SUPPORT.
Over the last 13 years, I have made it my life's work to support those who have come to create a better world. And it starts with dismantling the old chaos and suffering left over from the paradigms we need to leave behind. We accomplish this together through:
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